Burnt ice cream taco

Burnt creamy ice cream in lace cookie tacos with caramel sauce.

1 litre

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Burnt ice cream
500 ml double cream
140 g Dansukker Granulated Sugar
8 egg yolks (from medium eggs)
450 ml whole milk
50 g Dansukker Glucose Syrup

Lace cookie tacos
45 g flaked almonds
25 g plain flour
45 g butter
45 g Dansukker Granulated Sugar
45 ml whipping cream
45 g Dansukker Glucose Syrup

Caramel sauce
120 g butter
1.5 g salt
175 ml cream
1/2 vanilla pod
175 g Dansukker Granulated Sugar
25 g Dansukker Glucose Syrup

Serving suggestions
Taco stand, alternatively make a bowl out of the lace cookie and serve on a plate.


Burnt cream ice cream
Can be prepared one or more days before the ice cream is to be served.

Heat the oven to 200 °C.

Pour 500 ml of cream into an ovenproof dish and leave in the oven for about 60 minutes until the amount of cream has halved. Stir the cream about every 10 minutes.

Measure out the caster sugar and egg yolk into a bowl and whisk together lightly.

Measure out the milk, baked cream and glucose syrup into a saucepan. Bring the milk mixture to the boil and pour it over the granulated sugar and egg yolk mixture while stirring. Pour everything back into the pan and heat the ice cream base to 83°C. Be careful so that the temperature does not exceed 85°C.

Then cool the ice cream base until it is at fridge temperature and process it in an ice cream maker until it is the required consistency. Put the ice cream into a piping bag and freeze it.

Lace cookie tacos
Heat the oven to 170°C.

Measure out the flaked almonds and flour into a bowl and put to one side.

Measure out the butter, sugar, cream and glucose syrup into a saucepan. Heat the mixture up to 115°C. Fold the dry ingredients into the saucepan and stir to make a smooth batter. Leave to cool in the fridge for about an hour.

Form the mixture into 10 balls of the same size and put them on parchment-lined baking sheets. Make sure that there is plenty of space between the balls.

Bake for about 10–12 minutes or until the lace cookies are golden brown.
To make the lace cookies into a taco shape, put a thin rolling pin or the rod inside the rolling pin over the sink, for example. Let the lace cookies cool slightly. Lift each lace cookie carefully with a spatula and put it on the rolling pin so that it is shaped into a taco shell.

Caramel sauce
Measure out the butter and salt. Leave to one side.

Measure out the cream and vanilla into a saucepan and bring to the boil. In another saucepan (preferably a large one), measure out the granulated sugar and glucose. Heat to a temperature of 185°C. When the sugar has reached 185°C, take the saucepan off the heat. Carefully add the boiled cream a little at a time. Let the mixture simmer for about 5 more minutes.

Pour the caramel sauce into a bowl and cover it with clingfilm. Leave the sauce to cool to about 37°C. 

Mix in the butter and salt. Put the caramel sauce in the fridge.

Assembling the tacos
Take the piping bag with the ice cream out of the freezer about 20 minutes before serving. Put the caramel sauce in a piping bag. Put the 10 taco shells on a plate so that they are standing up. Pipe the ice cream into the taco shells. Finish by piping on the caramel sauce. You can serve the ice cream tacos in taco holders.

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